Focus TASkills Clínica Centro es una nueva forma de vivir la experiencia TASkills al milímetro.
Isla Cristina vuelve a ser por 5º año consecutivo el epicentro de nuestra academia donde viviremos una experiencia profesional englobando 360º nuestra metodología TAS. Planificando de forma exahustiva cada aspecto para obtener un máximo rendimiento mental y deportivo de nuestros 18 jugador@s.
Ratio de 4 jugador@s por entrenador en el mejor entorno posible, rodeado de profesionales en sus respectivas facetas en régimen interno con comodidades exclusivas.
Del 8 de julio al 12 de julio
¡Vive la experiencia TAS!

TASkills Rodolia days are still present one more year, for the 5th consecutive year in Isla Cristina.
Somewhat different TASkills days with special treatment for our protagonists, where each day they will have 4 hours of training, as usual, but with the great novelty that this week it will be divided into 2 hours with 42 players and another 2 hours with exclusive work for 24 players, since our internal shift will have its "Special Schedule" that will give us greater quality for them and a UNIQUE treatment in our TASkills Rodolia '25.
Ratio of 7 players per coach, surrounded by professionals in their respective facets and exclusive news in this week TASkills Rodolia '25.
From July 8 to July 12... more detailed information TASfamily soon.
Live the TAS experience!